Implementing vs understanding vs using

Learning vs using vs implementing

As an (indie full stack) developer, you want to focus on delivering new cool features and useful applications. That should be the core of our business; but our enviroment provides plenty of pitfalls to lose sight of this primary target, and can trap us in to having to deal with one of the many many challenging implementations in the tech space.

(read more about the problems and my chosen solutions to have to not worry so much about them here)[My stack of solutions in the non-existing standardardised ecosystem of Next.js development]

Do and should you worry about database scalability, hosting optimization, auth, payments, emails, sockets, backups, ..etc ? All of these things are critical in the success of what you are building, but please realise that all big companies have dedicated teams for each of these problems. As an indie dev, you should very carefully select which problems are worth building a dedicates solution for yourself.

Especially in the React environment, there the ecosystem is very scattered and nothing is a default solutions… you sometimes feel overwhelmed by options, but also sometimes can forget that there is already a good solution out there for you to include in your project.

Trust me, I have been there. As someone who is both extremely curious; I could not use a framework without having tried to build a framework myself first (without using existing stuff as an example even) and try-hard-autonomous; asking for help? why not learn it myself? Did I learn a lot about all sort of dev operations? yes. Did I spend way too much time on figuring things out, what I could definitely also have learned from looking at existing examples? most llikely. Would I have been fine never trying to dive deeper and just use default options always? Probably, also, sadly yes.

Now I very much believe that I would not be a happy dev If I took a different path (the thing I like most about this industry is the fact that It is so quickly evolving and there is always something new to earn. But for most people that get satisfaction out of simply getting shit done; my journety would probably have felt like a nightmare.

(read more about my journey of wanting to do everything myself )[how my doing-everything-myself approach has been both a blessing and a curse]